Bylaws and Constitution


(A Voluntary, Non-Profit Making Organization)



The “Groupe Bamileke” going by the name “Binam” is an Initiative from the Cameroonian community  located in the state of Colorado. It has objectives to help the members of BAC and to promote the  culture of the BAMILEKE people located in the western part of Cameroon. BAC will adhere to the  Colorado laws of conduct adopted by the State of Colorado. 

ARTICLE I Name of Organization

This organization shall be named the “Binam Association of Colorado”. This organization shall be  referred to in this Constitution as BAC and the state of Colorado shall refer to it as such. 


Section 1: 

The mission of the Binam Association of Colorado is to increase awareness of issues pertaining to the  people of western Cameroon, notably the BAMILEKE people. BAC will highlight key economic, social  and political issues facing their people and help promote the positive development of the BAMILEKE  people. BAC will also serve to generate understanding of the diversity of the BAMILEKE cultures, and  serve to create dialogue between BAMILEKE and friends of the BAMILEKE people. 

BAC is a cultural and development association that is engaged in activities and projects with the  purpose of raising awareness of the Bamiléké culture in the United States. BAC shall have purposes  including but not limited to the following:

Section 2:

The vision of the BINAM BAMILEKE is to be a recognized organization for Coloradoans interested in our  culture. 

2.1 Educate and promote the Bamiléké culture in Colorado (USA).

2.2 Promote unity amongst the Cameroonian Bamiléké community in Colorado through regular social  gatherings and activities.

2.3 Provide assistance to members who are experiencing hardship situations such as loss of loved  ones ; The association will enroll in a program that will assist with the repatriation of deceased  member’s remains or those of relatives as stated in these articles. Members must be in good standing  to benefit from this service.

2.4 Provide assistance to members who are experiencing a joyful event in their lives such as Marriage,  baptism …

ARTICLE III Membership

Section 1: Eligibility

3.1.1 BINAM is open to any person that is BAMILEKE by birth or by marriage; all BAMILEKE are  welcome to exercise their membership and take part in the BINAM activities. The leaders of the  GROUPE reserve the right to revoke any membership. 

To become a member, a person fulfilling the exclusivity criteria shall pay a nominal registration fee. 3.1.1a The first half shall be paid on the day of registration

3.1.1b The second half shall be paid within two (02) months following the registration If conditions listed in 3.1.a & 3.1.b are not fulfilled, the prospective member shall lose his/her  membership and the money shall be forfeited

3.1.2 Duration of membership

3.1.2.a Membership expires on December 31 of each calendar year and shall be renewed by paying the  annual registration fees no later than March 15 of the following calendar year. 3.1.2 b Members must attend meetings regularly. Spouses and siblings of members must register  individually in order to become members. Members must pay their dues as is required by the  association.

Section 2: Types and benefits

Membership in the BINAM BAMILEKE may not be denied because of race, color, age, sex, national  origin, religion, sexual orientation or handicap.

3.2.1.a Individual – Each member shall pay a yearly membership fee of $

3.2.1.b Siblings – Each membership is individual and in the case of death of parents, the help is  individual

3.2.1.c Married couples – Membership is individual, (i.e.: Membership is $ per married couple). In case  of a child’s death, only one payout will be made to a married couple. In the same light, in the case of  another member losing a child, married couples pay as one (i.e. only one payment per married couple).  There is no limit on the number of children.

3.2.1.d Students – Shall pay membership fee of $. Tontine is optional for students but participation in  the general bank is mandatory.

3.2.2 Guests – Any person attending a general meeting for the first time shall be referred to as a guest.  A person shall not be a guest after attending two (2) regular monthly meetings sessions without  becoming a member. This applies only to Bamilékés residing in CO but not yet registered with BAC

3.2.3 Membership Categories:

  1. All Bamilikes, who register for BAC automatically become lifetime members of the association and are assigned a unique ID based on their date of registration. 2. Passive members: Members, who do not renew their memberships are considered passive members and shall not enjoy the benefits provided by BAC

ARTICLE IV: Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the BINAM shall manage the Affairs of the BINAM, in all matters. No members of the BINAM shall be allowed to discuss the private matter of the organization with  outsiders without the consent of the BINAM executive committee 

Section 1. Power and Duty

The property and affairs of the association shall be under the direction of its Executive Board. The  Board is responsible for overall policy and direction of the Association and delegates responsibilities for  day-to-day operations to committees heads appointed by the executive or the general assembly. The  Board may establish, as needed, offices and programs to accomplish the association’s stated purposes.

Section 2. Structure

Section 2.1. The Executive office Composition of the executive:

The executive body is made of three (3) members sharing responsibilities as follows: The Family-head  also known as President, his/her first assistant also known as the Treasurer in charge of all financial  matters and the second assistant also known as the Secretary in charge of all executive  communications. Executive mandate:

a – Individual mandate shall apply to each member of the executive board. With the exception of  2017 calendar year; 

b – The Secretary; will be filled by general assembly vote. The secretary mandate will effectively  extend over a 3-years period. 

c – The Treasurer will be filled by general assembly vote. The Treasurer mandate will effectively extend  over a 3-years period.

d – The President (also known as family head) will be filled by a general assembly vote. The President’s mandate will effectively extend over a 2-years period.

e – There is no limit on the number of terms a member can serve as member of the executive. Executive functions:

To ensure the ability of any executive board member to effectively represent the organization anytime a – Agenda should be reviewed and approved by all executive members prior to general assembly  meetings.

b – All executive decisions should require at least two-third approval votes from all three members in  the executive

c – In case of short vacations within the executive office, all executive decisions shall require  consultation with the general assembly.

d – The family-head is ultimately responsible to conduct meetings or other gatherings of the  association or to delegate such a role to any member in good standing with the association.

Section 3. Quorum

For purposes of meetings and actions of the executive, a majority of two-thirds of the board and a  minimum of five registered members shall constitute a quorum. If less than the majority of the executives  are present at a meeting, the meeting will be adjourned. Any decision made during a regular general assembly meeting is only binding if the quorum is met. Any constitutional amendment shall require more than fifty (50) percent of registered members to vote in favor of the amendment.

Section 4. Resignation

Any executive member may resign from the Board at any time by giving written notice to the President  or Secretary of the Board. Such resignation shall take effect at the time therein and, unless otherwise  specified. Resignation will be conditional upon returning all documents and/or properties belonging to  the association.

Section 5. Removal of an Executive

An executive board member may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the general assembly  BUT only if this has been included in the preliminary agenda published prior to the meeting Removal of  an executive board member shall be done in situations when such removal would best serve the  interest of the association. Violations that shall result in removal of an executive include:

4.6.1 Deliberate disregard for the organization

4.6.2 Failure to uphold the constitution

4.6.3 Failure to attend meetings or to deliberate in good faith

4.6.4 Embezzlement or mismanagement of BAC funds

Section 6. Vacancies

The board shall have the power to fill vacancies on the board for the remainder of a term by the  affirmative vote of the majority of registered members.

Section 7. Compensation

No member of the board shall be compensated for board service unless they are traveling on business  related to the association and incur personal expenses that can be reimbursed.

Section 8: 

The Executive Committee shall consist of 3 Members of the BINAM who shall be elected every year at a  General Meeting of BINAM. At the expiration of the term period, the Executive Committee shall go out  of office, however Members of the Executive Committee are eligible for re-election. 

Section 9:

A new member who wishes to form part of the Executive Committee should be a fully subscribed  member of the BINAM for at least six (6) months. Any member not attending the GROUP meeting for  three (3) consecutive times will have to step down. This will guarantee the continuity of work of the EC.  In the event of the resignation of an Executive Committee Member, the other official members of the  EC will pass a vote in order to decide who shall replace him.

Section 10: 

In order that a vote can be taken during a meeting of the Executive Committee, a minimum of five (5)  Members must be present and vote.

ARTICLE V: Meetings

Section 1. Regular Meetings

The association members shall meet once a month on the second Saturday of the month. Meetings  shall be hosted by members in a sequence which shall be determined by random draw at the beginning  of each year. Meetings shall officially begin at 3 pm. All official business and deliberations shall end by  6:00pm.

Section 2. End of Year Meeting

There shall be one (1) end-of-year meeting organized on a pre-agreed date in December. The main  purpose of this event shall be to celebrate milestones achieved during the year and to make proposals  for the next year. Members may be requested to make additional financial contributions toward this  meeting if need arise. This amount shall be determined by the quorum during a regular meeting. Date  and Venue for this meeting shall be communicated at least 30-days before such meeting.

Section 3. Teleconference Participation and Vote

Board members are expected to attend board meetings on a consistent and regular basis. Continued  absence without a satisfactory reason may result in removal from the board. Members may participate  and vote by teleconference if necessary.

Section 4. Voting

At all general meetings, each registered member shall be entitled to have one (1) vote. Proxy voting is  not permitted.

Section 5.

BINAM shall sanction any members coming to the meeting late as follow: 

– 10 minutes grace after the meeting hour 

– $2 for every other 10 minutes for a maximum of $10 

– Example: 

o Meeting time at 3 pm. 

o Arrival at 3:10; he will not pay any late fees 

o Arrival at 3:30; she will pay a late fee of $4 

o Arrival at 5pm; he will pay a late fee of $10 which is the maximum 

Section 6.

BINAM shall sanction any members without any valid and excused absence to the meeting a fee of  $10. It is the responsibility of the absentee to inform himself about the previous meeting agenda and  discussions. Each member is allowed 2 non-excused absences. 

Section 7.

BINAM officers reserve the right to revoke any membership in case of insults and disrespects between  members of the GROUP. Officers of the GROUP will oversee specific sanction


Section 1:

The officers of BINAM shall consist of a president, vice president, treasurer secretary, and public  relations officer. These officers shall comprise the Executive Committee. BINAM shall have additional  committees in special events. 

Section 2:

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Upholding and maintaining loyalty to the goals, mission, and the constitutions of BINAM • Establishing goals, administrative mission statements, and providing direction for the General Assembly
  • Communicating these directives and goals to the membership and to the community at large • Establishing and maintaining the lines of communication and networking between the members and the community
  • Compiling progress reports to the Executive Committee and compile an annual report for the General Assembly;
  • Providing for a transition period of information exchange, briefing and debriefing sessions for the newly elected, incoming officers.

Section 3: 

The president shall have the following duties: 

  • Preside all regular business meetings and Executive Committee meetings.
  • Represent BINAM in community functions.
  • Be the liaison of BINAM to other organizations within Colorado
  • Work with the treasurer in formulating BINAM’s budget.
  • Attend all regular meetings.
  • Make sure that every officer and committee can perform his or her duties and, if needed, provide assistance.
  • Keep members informed of various organizations that The BINAM BAMILEKE might be involved in.

Section 4: 

The vice president shall have the following duties: 

  • Take over the duties of the president in event the president is unable to do his/her duties. • Attend all regular meetings.
  • Take responsibility for whatever duties imposed on him/her by the president with the General Membership’s acknowledgement.

Section 5: 

The treasurer shall have the following duties: 

  • Take over the duties of the vice president in the event the vice president is unable to do his/her duties.
  • Prepare an annual BINAM budget that must be presented to the General Membership in its first meeting of the school semester.
  • Manage BINAM funds.
  • Oversee BINAM expenditure and maintain accurate financial records
  • Ensure the proper payment of invoices
  • Attend all regular meetings.

Section 6: 

The secretary shall have the following duties: 

  • Take over the duties of the treasurer in the event the treasurer is unable to do his/her duties. • Prepare minutes for all regular business and Executive Committee meetings. • Coordinate the production of BINAM publications
  • Distribute announcements and minutes
  • Coordinate with the Public Relations Officer the production and maintenance of current membership and lists
  • Perform other tasks necessary to fulfill the duties of “secretary.”
  • Attend all regular meetings.

Section 7: 

The public relations officer (PRO) shall have the following duties: 

  • Communicate with all members the terms of business, goals and plans of the Executive Board • Maintain working relationships with all outside organizations, those with interest in the BINAM • Assisting in the promotion of BINAM events.
  • Work closely with special committee events

Section 8: 

The Brainstorming Coordinator (BC) shall have the following duties: 

  • Help develop several activities that the BINAM can indulge in
  • Assist in the development of short and long-term plans for the programs, monitor the progress, and assure the adherence.
  • Help with the maintaining of working relationships with all outside organizations, those with interest in the BINAM.
  • Serve as a liaison between the programs of the clubs and other organizations • Assisting in the promotion of BINAM sponsored events.

Section 9: 

The sport coordinator (SC) shall have the following duties: 

  • Help with organizations of sports events with other clubs in Colorado
  • Evaluate players and assign to various role
  • Provide communications about games to different members as well as club organizations • Assign times and locations for each team practices and game
  • Assisting in the promotion of BINAM sponsored sports events.

Section 10: 

The Baby Shower Coordinator (BSC) shall have the following duties: 

  • Help with organizations of the BINAM baby shower events
  • Coordinate with the treasurer to collect $40 from the men as financial help and an extra $20 for the drinks
  • Help get necessary information about the woman cooking

Section 11: 

The Death Coordinator (DC) shall have the following duties: 

  • Help by being a liaison between the mourning family (must be member of BINAM) and BINAM • Evaluate various unexpected need of the mourning family
  • Provide communications about the fees collections for the mourning family (method of payments and deadline)
  • The fees are as follow:

o Death in the US $100/members and Men $25 for the drinks while woman will get  together for cooking 

o Death in Cameroon, $50/members and Men $25 for the drinks while woman will get  together for cooking 

Section 12:

The elected body of The BINAM shall have a transitional meeting and will assume office after that  meeting.

Section 13: 

The term of office shall start seven (7) day after election results have been certified and last for one (1)  year.

Section 14: 

Any officer may be removed from position in The BINAM by a two-thirds vote of the members.  Impeachment proceedings shall begin at the general membership where a majority vote is needed to  start the impeachment proceedings. The Executive Committee shall then start the investigation on the

allegations for impeachment. Then the Committee shall vote on the decision. Any Officer removed may  appeal to the general membership. Said officer shall be considered reinstated with two-thirds approval  of the general membership. 

Section 15: 

Any vacancy that may occur in an office shall be filled by a nomination from the Executive Committee.  Nominees must then be approved with a majority vote. The term of office of the newly appointed  officer shall end if the vacancy did not occur. 

Section 16: 

Voting privileges will be extended to active BINAM members in good standing. Any incidents of voting  fraud will be seriously investigated by the Executive Committee and subjected to disciplinary action. 


Section 1. Standing Committees

There shall be standing committees as set forth hereinafter and such others as determined by the  general assembly. The board in consideration of the committee’s specific task shall determine the  number of members assigned to a committee. The director as liaison to any committee may appoint a  staff member. The standing committees of the Board are: Executive, Personnel, Program and Finance.  The Board may add additional standing Committees. The president of the Board shall appoint  chairpersons of each committee who shall be directors of the Board. The President and Executive  Board shall be members of all standing committees but may not necessarily head the committee. Each  board member will be required to serve on at least one committee. The term of all Standing  Committees shall be for two years.

Section 2. Executive Committee

This committee shall consist of the officers of the board, who shall meet at the call of the president and  act for the association between regular board meetings. A majority of the committee shall constitute a  quorum. The executive committee must report on actions as have been taken at the next regular board  meeting. Any action must be ratified at the next regular or special meeting of the board. This  committee may be asked to consider matters affecting association programs and make  recommendations for board action.

Section 3. Service/Program Committee

After study and analysis of the kinds of services required by the community, this committee shall  recommend to the board the most appropriate priorities for allocating resources. The service  committee shall propose the board policies, plans, and directions to assist in establishing the future  direction and emphasis of the association; act in an advisory capacity to the director as requested by  the director; and consider those recommendations regarding services, policies, plans, and  administration of same, seeking board approval as required.

Section 4. Finance Committee

The treasurer is the chair of the Finance Committee (if such Committee is in place). Treasurer shall  ensure that all of the bank books, and other notes and cash, whether restricted or unrestricted funds,  are kept secure at all times and if practical in the physical custody of or on deposit with a bank or trust

company exercising trust powers. The Executive must approve all expenditures and Treasurer shall  ensure that expenditures are within budget.

Section 5. Ad hoc Committees

The president, with board approval, shall appoint special or ad-hoc committees charged with specific  responsibilities, and their terms shall be determined at the time of appointment by the president.  Special committee members may or may not be board members.


Section 1. Standing Committees

There shall be standing committees as set forth hereinafter and such others as determined by the  general assembly. The board in consideration of the committee’s specific task shall determine the  number of members assigned to a committee. The director as liaison to any committee may appoint a  staff member. The standing committees of the Board are: Executive, Personnel, Program and Finance.  The Board may add additional standing Committees. The president of the Board shall appoint  chairpersons of each committee who shall be directors of the Board. The President and Executive  Board shall be members of all standing committees but may not necessarily head the committee. Each  board member will be required to serve on at least one committee. The term of all Standing  Committees shall be for two years.

Section 2. Executive Committee

This committee shall consist of the officers of the board, who shall meet at the call of the president and  act for the association between regular board meetings. A majority of the committee shall constitute a  quorum. The executive committee must report on actions as have been taken at the next regular board  meeting. Any action must be ratified at the next regular or special meeting of the board. This  committee may be asked to consider matters affecting association programs and make  recommendations for board action.

Section 3. Service/Program Committee

After study and analysis of the kinds of services required by the community, this committee shall  recommend to the board the most appropriate priorities for allocating resources. The service  committee shall propose the board policies, plans, and directions to assist in establishing the future  direction and emphasis of the association; act in an advisory capacity to the director as requested by  the director; and consider those recommendations regarding services, policies, plans, and  administration of same, seeking board approval as required.

Section 4. Finance Committee

The treasurer is the chair of the Finance Committee (if such Committee is in place). Treasurer shall  ensure that all of the bank books, and other notes and cash, whether restricted or unrestricted funds,  are kept secure at all times and if practical in the physical custody of or on deposit with a bank or trust

company exercising trust powers. The Executive must approve all expenditures and Treasurer shall  ensure that expenditures are within budget.

Section 5. Ad hoc Committees

The president, with board approval, shall appoint special or ad-hoc committees charged with specific  responsibilities, and their terms shall be determined at the time of appointment by the president.  Special committee members may or may not be board members.


Section 1: 

Any part of this Constitution may be amended by a motion from a member during, although not  exclusively, general membership meetings and then voted at the following general membership  meetings requiring a 2/3 majority vote.

Section 2: 

The bylaws of the association may be amended or new bylaws adopted by an affirmative vote of two thirds of the board of directors at any regular or special meeting provided written notice of the  proposed action shall have been given in the notice of the meeting.

Signed: ___________________________

Chairperson (President)

Signed: ___________________________


Signed: ___________________________


Date: _____________________________

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